I see these near future technologies as the few examples with potential extraordinary positive benefits for individual humans and the whole race in the short and long term.
Artificial Meat
Artificial meat will enable us to become the first species in the history of this planet to become independent of the world food chain for our immediate nutrition. The significance of that is hard to grasp at first thought, but the potential benefits of lab grown meat are extraordinary, manifold and multifaceted, both for human health and general well being. Both in short and long term. Both for our our individual health and environment we exist in.
The immediate effects will substantially positively affect prevention of pandemics and many diseases caused by and proliferated through industrial animal agriculture and wild unregulated slaughter of animals for food. The same industry greatly contributes to climate issues and drastically increases destruction of the environment on Earth.
This technology will be equally beneficial for health and well being of Martians too. Because Martians will obviously need the best possible nutrition in new and harsh environment of Mars, especially early on.
Additionally, it should be understood as THE solution for all people who would like to see humanity stop to slaughter animals for our food. I'm sure some of the vegans or vegetarians would complain and criticize this type of food simply for being based on animal cells, but really... this is the only actually feasible way to drastically reduce and in time completely remove the killing of animals for food on a global level. Plant based artificial meat should be equally supported for all these reasons too.
The same multifaceted and far reaching benefits apply to 3D bio-printing of human organs and tissues. Equally important and crucial for humans on Earth and Mars with massive beneficial effects on our health and medicine in general and the overall quality of life.
This technology will enable us to grow custom organs for every individual human, made from their own cells, based on their own DNA, so there would be no rejection by our own autoimmune systems.
Skin for burn victims, whole hands and legs for amputees, any internal organ, as well as any specific smaller parts of our bodies. Hearts, kidneys and livers, lungs, stomachs and intestines. Even nerves to connect the paralyzed limbs more easily and patch any damage to them. We can build functional eyes for the blind - Their own eyes, that work.
People with malignant cancers will be able to get their own completely new organs to replace the sick and cancerous ones - to help with the other procedures and therapies needed. Any damage to organs caused by violence, diseases or disasters will be much more easily repaired, rebuilt or replaced.
This will be an invaluable technology for Martian colonists, because obviously the early Martians will need to live far from abundance of Earth medical specialized options.
Additionally, it is very probable this kind of ease of replacing old, damaged or otherwise malfunctioning organs with brand new, healthy and practically young ones would benefit the longevity of each individual.
Because it seems a part of me still hasn't gone completely evil... we need space based infrared telescope for asteroids, comets and Centaurs hunting.
The bottom line is : We need at least a decade in advance warning to be able to theoretically deflect an incoming one in the best case scenario. The more massive it is the more in advance warning we need. Much more if its a comet or a centaur. The assets we have now are not enough to give us that. James Webb will only be able to allocate a small portion of its time for our solar system. Its not enough. we need a dedicated eye (eyes) in the sky made specifically for this purpose - yesterday. In addition to all terrestrial resources already on the job or being built.
We currently miss (official approximates) 10% of global killer 1km+ size NEOs, 70% of NEOs between 1 km and 140 meters size, 99,99% of those bellow 140 meters. For comparison Tunguska impactor was about 30-50 meters in size, Chelyabinsk about 20. Another completely unrelated asteroid 2012DA14 Duende flew under our geostationary sats at the same time Chelyabinsk hit us. And the NEOs are not the only ones we need to see and know about.
Point being, highly improbable events happen all the time. Probabilities are not a magical cure. Science and technology can be.
Fact: None of the deflecting and defensive methods we may theoretically employ can work if we don't have enough time to deploy them. The exact same problem works exactly the same for Mars.
The cost of such dedicated satellite telescope i`ve seen around say something in a ballpark of 500 million USD. I know it can be done for less and the cost does not have to be covered by a single person or government. I am sure many individuals and governments will be happy to support the project.